A safe online community space for people interested in Tarot, Witchcraft, Kabbalah and Magick. Meet like-minded friends, expand your knowledge, share your experiences and join us in our practices and celebrations.


Doors are now open! 

We can't wait to welcome you! Click the button below to join, or read on for more info ⬇️ 

✨ Yes! Let me in to this magical space! ✨

You've found your Magical Tribe!

Let's learn, share and celebrate together!


You'll find videos and teachings that are not available anywhere else - masterclasses, courses, and Live events including guest speakers.

Topics include Tarot, Kabbalah and various aspects of Witchcraft and Magick.

We can't wait to welcome you to our magical family!
✨ Get instant access ✨

Is this you...?

  • An experienced traveller on your spiritual path, you have discovered many strange and wondrous things and you're looking for a place where you can talk openly about your experiences, share your expertise to help others and meet friends who won't judge you or think you're weird (we KNOW you are weird, and it's ok because we are too!)
  • There's nothing you love more than delving into the mysteries of the universe, your bookshelves are full of rare ancient texts and your journals contain writings, sigils, poems, spells and details of your own workings. You probably have an apothecary, all sorts of curios in jars and we are betting your home is super cosy, with at least one familiar. 
  • You crave that feeling of connection to the energies around you, but your life is so rushed and stressful you barely ever get time to just feel the magic. Everywhere you go you hear voices of the ancients guiding you and telling you stories of the past. You wish you had more time to tune in and really feel that connection and get advice on how to do this more in everyday life. But you're usually so mentally drained at the end of the day that you sit in front of Netflix hoping for something meaningful and magical to nourish your soul.

Spoiler alert - Netflix won't do that...


If you said YES to any, or all of these... our Tarot, Kabbalah, Magick Community Membership is perfect for you!

It doesn't matter if you're a beginner or an expert, we'd love to welcome you! 

🌟 Join Here 🌟

Imagine this...

You're part of an online community (casually referred to as the coven) where you are all working with the energies of the earth, planetary alignments and Universal energy. You know there's a full moon in Aquarius coming up and you have already gathered everything you need to make the most of this particular energy thanks to the advice shared. Your candle is carved with a sigil you created to achieve your goals, your powerful natural incense is blended, your altar is set exactly how you like it and you know how you'll integrate this into your usual workings. Not only that, but your friends online are doing the same and you all join in on a group video call to perform the group working - this adds incredible potency. Things you've wanted for a long time start to come to fruition, blockages have lifted and you feel more certain about your magical abilities than ever before - you have fully claimed your inner power and you're walking in time with the Universe!

You're curled up on a rainy afternoon, candles lit, cup of something hot, reading a beautiful book about an occult subject. You come across a sigil, word or phrase you've never seen before. Instead of turning to Google, which usually shows results written using AI (thinly disguised as someone's blog) you simply open the Community app on your phone and post your question. Your coven answer with what it means, their experience of it AND advice on how to use it! In fact, the same thing happened when you asked about a plant you couldn't identify last week. You smile and take another sip... learning in the company of others on the journey is so comforting!

You're interested in Tarot, but it all seems too complicated and you can never seem to remember all the meanings. You don't have time to take a course. But every week in the community there are regular short videos on the cards, so you soon start picking it up. Your coven share their knowledge and interpretations, spreads and favourite packs and very quickly you become an excellent reader yourself - who knew it could be this easy and fun?! 

The old feelings of learning magick alone are gone, you have a place where you can ask questions and give advice to your fellow coven members, grow and develop your practices and all work to support each other.

So who's running this community?

It's us!

Cassandra and Max Raven, a couple from England U.K.

Max was raised by two white witches, his childhood home always had an altar and there were runes painted around the house. In true fairytale fashion, he was gifted a wand carved with sigils by a family friend at his birth. He forged his own path as a hedgewitch, learning traditional witchcraft and later joined an occult society. He also studied holistic herbalism and weaves his understanding of the energetic properties of plants, roots and resins into his magical work.

Cassandra grew up talking to spirits and started studying witchcraft at 9 years old, taking all the books on spells, tarot and witchcraft out of the library before the internet existed. She worked as a medium and occult advisor on paranormal investigations in hundreds of locations for a 10 year period. But teaching and coaching is her passion, she studied Kabbalah (Qabalah) for 25 years and is now a life coach and mentor using Kabbalah. Look out for her Qabalah Tarot deck and book coming soon!

How it started...

We met in a dark room in a haunted building over 10 years ago. Our jobs that night were to help the guests communicate with the spirits in the building, it was an interesting location with connections to witchcraft and the occult.

During the break we discovered our mutual passion for good coffee and occult books. Our first date a few weeks later was a lovely afternoon tea at an extremely haunted spa hotel (are you sensing a theme here?) where we talked for hours, walked the grounds in the rain under a shared umbrella and didn't want to leave.

A year later we moved into a famously haunted Victorian Gothic mansion in a magical hidden valley, surrounded by trees and lakes. We are still enjoying this wonderful strange and spooky home together.

We have run many of our own events all over the U.K., teaching spiritual and occult subjects, running weekend retreats, experiences and lessons. 

How it's going...

What we realised through our separate experiences over the decades, is that it's really difficult to find somewhere to learn these topics and build friendships -  without being under someone's strict rules on how they believe the practices should be done... or for the group to disband after some drama or other.

When it comes to working with Magick, we know it's important to get the basics down and figure out how YOU work best. Some topics do follow frameworks and it's good to know these if you're planning on using them. We love helping people with this, but then - people's paths can vary wildly - and we love this variety!

There isn't just one way of getting results, and that's why we teach things that can be integrated into existing practices. Sometimes there's a framework, sometimes there are guidelines and sometimes people get results doing things completely differently.

But everyone appreciates a stable and understanding environment with guidance from experienced folk... And that's why the Tarot, Kabbalah, Magick Membership was born. 


This price will NEVER go up for Founding Members as long as you stay in the membership!

$44 per month (£35 per month) 


Pay for the full year and get

🌟 Founding Member Price locked in 🌟


🌟 Two months free 🌟

🌟 Cassandra's Tarot course, Know the Major Arcana worth $333 (£262) 🌟



Once we have 30 members, the price goes up to $57 per month (£45 per month)

Yearly Membership will go up to $570 per year (£450 per year)

Monthly Membership

$44/ mth (£35/ mth)

Top features

  • Tarot lessons
  • Kabbalah classes
  • Witchcraft masterclasses
  • Celebrate the Wheel of the Year with us
  • Moon rituals every month
  • Live Meetups every month
  • Community discussion topics
  • Challenges and prizes to be won
  • 🌟 Founding Member price locked in for the first 30 Members 🌟

Yearly Membership

$440/ year (£350/ year)

🌟 Plus bonuses! 🌟

  • Tarot lessons
  • Kabbalah classes
  • Witchcraft masterclasses
  • Celebrate the Wheel of the Year with us
  • Moon rituals every month
  • Live Meetups every month
  • Community discussion topics
  • Challenges and prizes to be won
  • 🌟 Founding Member price locked in for the first 30 Members 🌟
  • 🌟 Two months FREE! 🌟
  • 🌟Know the Major Arcana Tarot course worth £333 FREE! 🌟
🌟 BUY NOW with bonuses 🌟

Still Got Questions?